You’ve studied hard, perhaps partied harder, but the end of the semester is finally here. There are indentations in your fingers from holding your pencils with urgency. Your notebooks are filled with chicken scratch. Your bank account is diminished, just like your energy. That means, whatever you decide to make of your summer, it will be great for one simple reason: what is better than no papers or exams? Nothing! Your lecture hall daydreams of sunshine and happiness are about to transition to reality.


Unfortunately, to make your sparkling grape juice dreams turn into champagne realities, you need to finish out the semester first, kiddo. Don’t worry, you’ll make it. Just keep telling yourself…

When that last final exam is turned in, and your shackles are removed, you’re free to start your summer. Here are some great ideas to making the most out of your well-deserved time off:

A Road Trip

What better way to kick off the summer than taking a road trip with your friends? Granted, there may be seven of you squished into a car made for four, but the more the merrier, right? Nothing will ever compare to the memories you’ll make by staying in seedy motels or interesting Airbnbs, seeing the breath-taking scenery that might make up for the days cooped up inside a classroom, and all the delicious and unique food you’ll have along the way. All of your experiences will be worth every uncomfortable second spent in that clown car.

Hiking in the Great Outdoors

Why not reconnect with nature on your summer vacation? Sure, after sitting in a desk for the past 15 weeks every bone and muscle in your body will be screaming for mercy, but honestly, you probably need it. After being completely sedentary, exercise will do your body some good! Not to mention, there are some absolutely beautiful places around the United States that you can visit and hike to see how beautiful Mother Nature can be. Pack an extra shirt for all that summer sweating, though. You may sweat right through the first one, but it’ll be totally worth it.

Shopping at the Mall

If you have to spend your summer closer to home, why not make a trip to the mall for some retail therapy? I’ve heard it’s almost as good as real therapy! Not a lot comes close to the feeling you get with lungs full of mall air. Since you’re staying closer to home, you may have some extra money saved up or some student loan money you can spare, so why not spoil yourself a bit? Come on, you deserve it.


Take a Beach Trip

For some, their summer is incomplete without a trip to the beach. Once that salty air hits your skin and you can hear the roar of the waves through the window, you’ll be able to completely relax and unwind. Kick back, have a margarita (or three), slather on that SPF 50, and breathe. Having no responsibilities never felt so good!



There is a less adventurous option. Why not do what you’ve been doing the whole semester and avoid people (and your responsibilities) by hiding under your covers with your face bathed in the light from the soft glow of a screen? Netflix, party of one, please! Let’s be real, this is most likely how the majority of us will spend our summer quite shamelessly. It’s totally okay after all those assignments, readings, papers, tests, and homework, you completely deserve to veg out. I’ve also heard Netflix is adding some binge-worthy shows soon, so more power to you.

Sadly, before you even realize that August has started, your summer vacation is going to come to a close. You’ll be left denying that class starts in less than six hours and that it’s time to tell Dexter goodnight. You’ll set your alarm for a bright and early 9 am lecture hoping that it won’t be as bad as you keep telling yourself it might be. However, we both know that as soon as your alarm goes off, you’ll be pounding the snooze like it’s something personal. All that will be going through your mind is…


What are your summer plans? Broke and bored? Download the Go Commando App on iOs and Android and make some extra cash with all your free time!

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