Studying abroad: It’s on a lot of college students’ bucket lists. We all know someone who managed to escape the university for a semester in Europe or Asia, and they came back with a thousand stories and some skill they didn’t have before they left. (When did Becky learn to speak fluent Hungarian? I thought she was studying in Germany…) Regardless, most students who want to study abroad get lost in the beginning steps. Several universities in America offer dozens, if not hundreds, of programs of varying length, difficulty, and purpose. Here at The Brief, we decided to give you a little help on making your great adventure a reality.

1.) Plan it out

Many schools suggest studying abroad during your junior or senior year – something that’s enforced by specific requirements, such as completing a given number of semesters at home before going overseas. However, sometimes studying abroad early is best. As an underclassman, you’ll most likely be taking prerequisite courses and electives for the classes you’ll need later to complete your major. Luckily, credits like those transfer fairly easily, especially for electives. However, if you’re only a year from graduating, all is not lost. You can still spend a semester abroad taking more electives or even courses required for your degree in another country. The key is to plan for the possibility, even if you never get the opportunity to study elsewhere in the world.

2.) Is Language Important?

Many people study abroad as a requirement or elective for a foreign language requirement. If you want to learn a new language, consider applying to programs where the classes won’t be taught in English. If you just want your credits and the chance to travel the world, that’s okay too, just make sure you don’t end up at a school where they don’t speak your native tongue. However, even if you apply to an English-speaking program, don’t pass up the opportunity to learn a bit of the local language. Not only is it polite as a visitor to your host country, but it’s a skill you can put on a resume and one that could come in handy in the future.

3.) When and for how long?

The next step is to decide when and for how long you want to be away from home. Semester-long programs are the most popular, but that doesn’t mean you should limit yourself. Summer programs are also a great idea to get some extra classes under your belt and see different parts of the world during prime vacation season. Six weeks in Italy during the summer will probably be more enjoyable than a winter semester in Iceland – no offense to our Icelandic readers, your country is beautiful.

4.) Price

Cost is something to keep in mind when you’re about to travel the world. While tuition abroad may be the same as tuition at home, you still need to pay for housing, food, and other university expenses. As far as living arrangements go, some foreign schools have student housing and others don’t – that varies by program and it’s something to think about when you’re applying. Of course, there’s also the cost of airfare. Although a summer in Florence sounds great, the price of an airline ticket may have you thinking twice. Luckily, many universities offer scholarships to students studying abroad, so applying for these as soon as possible would be wise. With a little help and a little planning ahead of time, your semester overseas can be very affordable, as long as you don’t go crazy on the shopping once you’re there. Plus, if you’re looking to earn some extra money to fund your study abroad adventures, download the Go Commando App on iOs or Android.

5.) Go for it!

Finally, the last step is to grit your teeth and get through the lengthy application process. Hopefully, if you have decent grades, good letters of recommendation, and a little bit of luck, you’ll soon be waving your friends goodbye as you board a 747 to some distant corner of the world. Many students can’t help but get overwhelmed by the idea of spending a semester in another country, but studying abroad provides an incredible opportunity to travel, meet amazing people, and partake in once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Thousands of students have done it before, thousands will do it in the future – why not you?

Although the entire application process can be long and frustrating, if you stick to it, you too can spend a semester studying in a foreign country. Do you have any tips for the application process? Let us know!

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Lois Lawson

Lois Lawson has been blogging for Campus Commandos for 6 years. Prior to writing for the blog, Lois had no experience in blog writing, but she has become an expert in the field over the years. She has written about a wide variety of topics, from the latest news in education and sociology to the latest business and marketing trends.

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