In the fall college campuses across the country are littered with cars, vans, and U-hauls as parents and students start to move-in. It is a day that they will never forget, and that is what makes it the perfect time to market your product.

Millennials need to be marketed to in different ways than many brands are used to. They want brands they can trust and they tend to make purchasing decisions based on opinions of friends and family. During college move-in days students are surrounded by family and friends meaning if you can get one person in their inner circle to believe in your brand, they are likely to spread it to many more people.

Companies have started to realize the opportunity they have to really reach students during the time of year known as move-in. The brands that have done it have seen outstanding results. Here are two great examples:

American Eagle Outfitters

American Eagle had their college reps recruit friends and fellow students to become the “A.E. Move-In crew.” The crew got t shirts and spent their day moving new freshman into the dorms. Not only do the students get help but American Eagle gets their easy in. The move-in crew passed out coupons, pens, and water bottles with their label.


Target revolutionized marketing to college students they built Bullseye University in 2013. This live 360-degree campaign was part reality show and part digital experience. Built on UCLA’s campus Target moved 5 YouTube celebrities into the “dorm” and broadcasted it. From there they had live pop-ups during move-in week at 5 different Universities.

While both these options are marketing on a huge scale you don’t have to go that big to make a difference. You can have your reps set up a booth and pass out free lemonade for people moving in the heat, have them post flyers in the dorm hallways, there are lots of ways to get your brand out there.

student content creators


Who is Campus Commandos?

Our college marketing agency functions to serve two purposes; to provide opportunity for college students, and to market products and services on behalf of brands to students on college campuses and universities across the United States. Contact us to learn more.