HTC is partnering with Go Commando for their Power To Give App. Go Commando will offer tasks related to the Power To Give campaign that our Brand Commandos can complete.
The Power to Give App works to make the world a better place by charging projects around the world. It’s simple: you download the app, plug your phone in to charge, and connect to wifi. What happens is the computing power of your phone feeds those projects. Some projects research clean water efforts or providing food for areas in need. For more info check out the Power to Give website.
Potential tasks could include things like using the App, getting your friends to download it, or sharing your experiences with it on your social networks. It’s a great opportunity that could earn you money through Go Commando and save the world at the same time.
To work with cool brands like HTC, sign up with Go Commando to become a Brand Commando!
HTC One Rear View Top” by John Karakatsanis – Flickr: HTC One. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
Who is Campus Commandos?
Our college marketing agency functions to serve two purposes; to provide opportunity for college students, and to market products and services on behalf of brands to students on college campuses and universities across the United States. Contact us to learn more.
Lois Lawson
Lois Lawson has been blogging for Campus Commandos for 6 years. Prior to writing for the blog, Lois had no experience in blog writing, but she has become an expert in the field over the years. She has written about a wide variety of topics, from the latest news in education and sociology to the latest business and marketing trends.