When it’s time to have a marketing brainstorming session, you want to zone in on your best target audience. College students fall within this category. 

College students spend money on all types of products. In 2019, college students had a spending power of $376 billion! No matter what your brand is or what industry your products or services fall within, college students will likely be some of your best customers. As a result, you might wonder how to target college students with marketing?

In order to sell your products or services to college students, you first have to reach them. You can do this by using successful marketing strategies. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to reach college students and promote your brand. You can use campus brand ambassadors or create engaging social media posts. In other words, there are many ways to grab the attention of college students and sell your products. 

Ways to Target College Students with Marketing

Are you ready to reach your target college student audience? Here are some ways to target college students with marketing:

Establish a Campus Brand Ambassador Program

Many successful brands use campus brand ambassador programs to market their products to college students. The company staffs the brand ambassador program with college students who promote your products and services on their college campuses. 

These in-person marketers use many strategies to get the word out on your company and brand products.

Brand ambassadors use the following marketing strategies to target college students and promote your products: 

  • Hand out freebies, such as free brand products and company services
  • Create social media posts with hashtags directed at local college students
  • Host events on your company’s behalf
  • Attend campus events as a company representative
  • Hand out promotional materials

You can task your brand ambassadors with job roles that work best for your company. And switch things up as you go! 

Use Social Media Strategies

College students are big fans of social media. With this in mind, use social media whenever possible and target college students with your marketing. 

Promote your brand products and services with eye-catching social media posts. This strategy gets your advertising messages out to a large group of people with little work on your end. 

When you create social media posts for your target audience, keep hashtags in mind. Use the right hashtags to zone in on college students and tag them on products or services that might interest them. You can also assign social media jobs to your brand ambassadors. 

Sponsor Fundraising Events on College Campuses

Another way to promote your brand with college students is to sponsor fundraising events on campus. Many colleges reach out to businesses and ask them to be event sponsors. You can sign up as an event sponsor, help a worthy cause, and get your brand name out there for all to see. 

Some sponsorship opportunities are available every year while others are one-time events. However, both types of opportunities are excellent ways to target college students with marketing. 

Hand Out Free Products to College Students

You want college students to remember your brand. As a result, you can accomplish this task by handing out free products.

By handing out samples, you’re providing college students with a way to try your products for free. If they like your products, they’ll remember your name and come back for more. 

In addition, if you set up a campus ambassador program, provide your campus reps with products to hand out to students. Therefore, you can distribute products and college students will notice your brand. 

Increase Your Brand Presence in Many Different Ways

When you plan your marketing strategy to target college students, use different techniques to increase your brand presence. You can start out slow and hire one or two campus brand ambassadors and pair that marketing strategy with social media posts. Or put out a full marketing campaign that features all types of advertising strategies. 

Don’t limit college student marketing to one or two strategies. Explore many different marketing options and expand your reach on campuses across the nation. 

student content creators

Increase Your Customer Base and Target College Students with Marketing

College students are a prime target audience to focus on when you sell products and services. You can increase your customer base by gaining college students as customers. When you use a variety of marketing strategies, such as campus ambassador programs and product giveaways, your reach becomes even greater.

Learn more about starting your new brand ambassador program and the best ways to target college students with marketing with the help of Campus Commandos. Our team will show you how to roll out your brand ambassador program and promote your brand on campuses across the country. 

Contact Campus Commandos today and take your marketing strategy to a whole new level!


Who is Campus Commandos?

Our college marketing agency functions to serve two purposes; to provide opportunity for college students, and to market products and services on behalf of brands to students on college campuses and universities across the United States. Contact us to learn more.