How do you measure a campus rep program?
Most campus rep programs are managed using technology built into smartphones and social media apps. Tools such as hashtags, unique links, and QR codes have made measuring campus rep programs easier than ever. Before smartphones you mailed a lot of the tools used for measurement, like cameras or even a notepad to use. Remember, how you measure your campus rep program depends substantially on the type of activity you are asking your rep to perform. The examples below highlight how current tools help measure campus rep activities.
Post on Social Media
Put up a flyer
Present in front of a Student Organization
Pass out samples
A Deeper Dive into How Campus Rep Programs Are Measured
Post on Social Media
All social media sites have an app in the App Store allowing your reps to post anything from their phones. When your reps post, ensure the post is posted public. For example, Facebook posts are visible to your friends by default, but if you click on your post you can be more selective about who will see your post. You can make it public, visible by anyone on the web, even if they’re not one of your confirmed friends on Facebook.
A smartphone will allow your reps to screenshot the post and get a link to share. Our mobile tool – the Campus Commandos App – allows you to do all these functions right from the social media button.
You now have proof of what your reps posted on social media and can check back to see if the post is still up when you click on the link.
Put up a Flyer
Sometimes the best way to present information is the old-fashioned way – putting up paper flyers. But how could you track whether students are paying attention to a piece of paper? Make sure all flyers used across campus have a unique offer code or link to use when purchasing a product or viewing more information about your company. You can then track how many times the offer code or unique link were accessed, and assess the program’s success from there.
Present in Front of a Student Organization
Campus reps are often asked to speak in front of a student organization or a large class to advertise an event or promote a company’s product or service. From a marketing perspective, you have a captive audience of your target market and you’re using one of their peers to sell your service – it’s a home run. But how do you prove its effectiveness to the rest of your organization? Similar to the flyer example, encourage your campus reps to give participants a code or unique link to use when purchasing or viewing your product. The number of unique uses or visits collected will prove the effectiveness of the campaign.
Pass Out Samples
Allowing your audience to try your product before purchase can create trust in a brand while sparking desire for additional product. But how do you track the effectiveness of samples? Try using a social media contest where students post a picture of your sample product with a unique hashtag. Many social media platforms have tools to track the use of a particular hashtag across posts. The prize could be additional free product, or a coupon code for a certain percentage off their purchase. Another method for tracking effectiveness of samples is looking at your product’s performance year over year in same store sales near the campus your company has targeted. You can also track locations of online sales to show an increase in a certain area.

Final Thoughts on how to measure a campus rep program
If you would like more information on how to track your campus reps’ activities, contact Campus Commandos.
Who is Campus Commandos?
Our college marketing agency functions to serve two purposes; to provide opportunity for college students, and to market products and services on behalf of brands to students on college campuses and universities across the United States. Contact us to learn more.
Lois Lawson
Lois Lawson has been blogging for Campus Commandos for 6 years. Prior to writing for the blog, Lois had no experience in blog writing, but she has become an expert in the field over the years. She has written about a wide variety of topics, from the latest news in education and sociology to the latest business and marketing trends.