When most brands think of using brand ambassadors for campus marketing, they think of sampling, flyering, and chalking campaigns. You might conduct surveys, and there’s probably some element of getting people to like you on Facebook.

But there’s so much more your student brand reps can do for you.

The Go Commando app makes it easy to assign a huge range of marketing tasks to your student reps. You can create several tasks for just one student, or hire several students to do one or two tasks each. We recommend the second option, because it prevents burnout and helps move your campaign along faster. Also, if your student rep gets sick or has a problem with one task, your entire campaign won’t come grinding to a halt.

Tasks Student Reps Love to Do with Go Commando

Looking for task ideas to assign to student reps? The Go Commando app lets you create a huge variety of marketing tasks that student ambassadors love to do.

  1. Distribute marketing collateral. This can include posting flyers on campus, handing out postcards, or product samples.
  2. Perform a social media action. Like or follow your brand, retweet, share, comment, or tag friends in a post.
  3. Consumer feedback. Watch a video, download an app, or perform actions on a website. Have students complete a questionnaire within the app to provide feedback about their experience.
  4. Quick research surveys. Post surveys through our system to get the pulse of student opinion. Gain more insight by targeting specific regions, demographics, or types of schools.
  5. Photo and video documentation. Some of our brick-and-mortar brands want to make sure that their products are properly displayed in the store. Our students can go to a store and check on the display, then send photos and videos to the brand via the Go Commando app.
  6. Student signups. Hire student brand ambassadors to sign their peers up for apps or websites.
  7. Event day help. Students can help to staff on-campus events that you organize.
  8. Data gathering. Gather data needed to proceed on a much larger task—for example, collecting street addresses of dorms and Greek houses.
  9. Space reservation. Reserve space on campus. Most students are part of a student organization and can navigate the waters needed to set up on campus.
  10. Schedule a presentation. Your brand may have an interest in giving a presentation at a student organization meeting. Our students can help you by reaching out to their peers to secure one for you.
  11. Video content. Use our video feature to answer a question, capture an experience, or share a testimony. This can provide deeper insight to a student’s life and their opinions.
  12. Distribute coupon codes. Use our URL feature to send special discounts to student reps’ peers.
  13. User-generated content. Create and post social media content.

Whatever tasks you assign to brand reps, the Go Commando app makes it easy and fun to do. Millennials in college love using the mobile app, and communicating with you is trouble-free.

Next Steps

student content creators


Who is Campus Commandos?

Our college marketing agency functions to serve two purposes; to provide opportunity for college students, and to market products and services on behalf of brands to students on college campuses and universities across the United States. Contact us to learn more.