35K students.
Achieved a 12%+ increase in overall attendance goal
25 campuses targeted nationwide
100K emails to student's .edu email addresses
Sampling Events on Campus
Commandos sampled 25,000 (1,000 / Campus) Sharpie Clearview Highlighters on 25 campuses toward their peers. They informed their peers about their whereabouts through social media and encouraged social media engagement from those who received the highlighters as a way to say “Thank You” to Sharpie. The Commandos targeted heavily trafficked events as well a campus locations. On many occasions students who received the product were enthusiastic and mentioned that this is one of the few times that a company provided a full product and not a “sample size”.
Trivia Nights
Campus Commandos put together 3 trivia nights where attendees used the product to answer questions. This provided an authentic demonstration of the product in a fun setting. Those who took a picture of their trivia team using the hashtag #sharpieclearview received 10 bonus points toward the grand prize. We reminded the students to post their pictures as public so the trivia host could see it and award the points.
Campus Commandos'
Increase student engagement with a new highlighter product featuring the messaging: Clear tip allows you to see what you are highlighting so you “Always Know When to Stop.”
Campus Commandos'
Increase awareness of Sharpie and their ClearView Highlighter product.
Campus Commandos'
Increase purchase consideration for Sharpie.