Student Org Talks
Student Org Talks
students in attendance
student orgs reached via email blast
“I did see increased traffic and sales.”
Increased average student purchases at MW to $291
Conducted 34 student org talks per campus
Distributed 20,000 coupons which drove positive ROI student traffic into stores
Educated students on how to dress for success with Men’s Wearhouse
Student Org Talks
Campus reps organized talks in front of relevant student organizations to discuss how to dress for success just before a Career Fairs. Each Men’s Wearhouse Student Rep was given a wardrobe (they could keep) for their talks so they could display what they were talking about. At the end of the presentation, suit measurements were given and put on the back of a discount card for $25 off a $75 purchase.
Men’s Wearhouse Mannequin
We made sure our message lived on after Career Fairs ended for the year.
We achieved a mannequin setup within MSU’s Employer Relations and Professional Transitions Department that showcases Men’s Wearhouse styles. This relationship opened a direct communication channel with your local store and the University.
Campus Commandos'
Increase Awareness For Their Brand
Campus Commandos'
Upgrade Students’ Wardrobes For Their Next Job
Campus Commandos'
Raise average ticket sale once students are in store