“People loved it and were so excited to get the Hi-Chew and the coupons! They loved that I was doing this and always told me I was making their day! People that hadn’t tried the candy thought it was so juicy and chewy and were excited to go buy more!”
– Madeline Situmeang, Loyola Marymount University
Reached students on campus nationwide
Distributed 185K samples to students on campus.
Gathered 840 survey responses by students on campus.
64K+ engagements on social media.
On-Campus Sampling
Over the course of the Fall Semester our student reps sampled 168,000 Hi-Chew sample packs to their peers. The feedback from students was well received. Each day there were students who had never heard of Hi-Chew before and they were very eager to try something new. Our student representatives attended on-campus events and engaged in free range sampling. They targeted densely populated areas on campus such as unions, dining halls, greek houses, classrooms, and residence halls.
Market Research
Campus Commandos utilized our Campus Commandos App to execute a before and after campaign nationwide survey for Hi-Chew to measure the success of the college sampling program. Based on the data from the before and after survey, the awareness of Hi-Chew and intent to purchase their candy had positive dramatic changes as a result of this program.
“People loved the product! I was surprised to find out that so many people already heard about Hi-Chew and purchased it regularly. The feedback from new tasters was also great, they loved the texture and fruity flavors! Many students were excited to see the coupon after trying the samples as well!”
– Julia Ostrovsky, Temple University
Campus Commandos'
Increase awareness for Hi-Chew.
Campus Commandos'
Data collection.
Campus Commandos'
Show social media activity generating from offline activities.