Summer days are slipping away and back to school advertisements are everywhere. Before you know it you’ll be spending more sleepless nights at the library than you will be with friends. Before summer comes to an end here are things college students should do before heading back to school this fall.

Clean out your closet

Despite being a daunting task for many, there’s something oddly satisfying about cleaning out your closet once you do it. Cleaning out your closet will help you assess what your needs are for the new school year, give you more space and inspire you to get organized.

Getting rid of unwanted clothes is a great way to make some extra cash by selling them on marketplaces like Poshmark, Tradesy and Threadflip. If you’d rather contribute to a good cause, here are 15 places to donate your gently used clothes or unused beauty products.

Enjoy a family dinner

We all know that back to school can sometimes mean less time to socialize and more time spent studying. Sometimes it even results in bad eating habits, irregular eating schedules and less quality family time. Be sure to spend more time with your family while you can. Enjoy more family dinners and conversations with the people you love.

Get away for a weekend

Few things are as invigorating as a weekend getaway with your significant other or your best friends. As school approaches, your free time will slowly fade away. So why not gather your things, pile into a car with your friends and take on a new adventure before being forced to switch gears? Whether it’s a weekend hiking in the mountains, on the lakeshore or in an unfamiliar city, a getaway will reignite that spark within leaving you feeling inspired and motivated to conquer what’s next.

Adapt a sleep schedule

Summertime often means late nights out with friends or bonfires that never seem to extinguish. That’s why it’s important for college students to adapt a healthy sleep schedule before actually heading back to school so that they can put their best foot forward.

According to a study from Zinus, a consistent sleep schedule can mean the difference between average grades and above average grades. Zinus reports that 87 percent of students are sleep deprived and those that don’t get adequate sleep earn an average 2.84 GPA while those that do maintain consistent sleep schedules earn a higher average 3.18 GPA.

Read a good book

The final weeks of summer are a perfect time for college students to unwind and get unplugged. Indulging in a good book will give you a break from technology and fuel your creativity and imagination. Here are the best picks for 2017 according to Amazon.

With summer coming to an end, it’s a good idea to start thinking ahead to ensure you have the most successful semester yet. Whether it’s learning how to manage your time to maximize your productivity or identifying the best study practices for a successful semester, we’ve got you covered!

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